017: Derek Sullivan: Cover to cover - Derek Sullivan

017: Derek Sullivan: Cover to cover

Derek Sullivan

017: Derek Sullivan: Cover to cover

017: Derek Sullivan: Cover to cover  13.06.2014 — 26.07.2014, Opening 13.06.2014

<em>017: Derek Sullivan: Cover to cover </em>
                        13.06.2014  —  26.07.2014, Opening 13.06.2014

017: Derek Sullivan: Cover to cover  13.06.2014 — 26.07.2014, Opening 13.06.2014, Exhibition view

<em>017: Derek Sullivan: Cover to cover </em>
                        13.06.2014  —  26.07.2014, Opening 13.06.2014

017: Derek Sullivan: Cover to cover  13.06.2014 — 26.07.2014, Opening 13.06.2014, Exhibition view

<em>017: Derek Sullivan: Cover to cover </em>
                        13.06.2014  —  26.07.2014, Opening 13.06.2014

017: Derek Sullivan: Cover to cover  13.06.2014 — 26.07.2014, Opening 13.06.2014, Exhibition view

<em>017: Derek Sullivan: Cover to cover </em>
                        13.06.2014  —  26.07.2014, Opening 13.06.2014

017: Derek Sullivan: Cover to cover  13.06.2014 — 26.07.2014, Opening 13.06.2014, Exhibition view

<em>017: Derek Sullivan: Cover to cover </em>
                        13.06.2014  —  26.07.2014, Opening 13.06.2014

017: Derek Sullivan: Cover to cover  13.06.2014 — 26.07.2014, Opening 13.06.2014, Exhibition view

<em>017: Derek Sullivan: Cover to cover </em>
                        13.06.2014  —  26.07.2014, Opening 13.06.2014

017: Derek Sullivan: Cover to cover  13.06.2014 — 26.07.2014, Opening 13.06.2014, Exhibition view

<em>017: Derek Sullivan: Cover to cover </em>
                        13.06.2014  —  26.07.2014, Opening 13.06.2014

017: Derek Sullivan: Cover to cover  13.06.2014 — 26.07.2014, Opening 13.06.2014, Exhibition view

<em>017: Derek Sullivan: Cover to cover </em>
                        13.06.2014  —  26.07.2014, Opening 13.06.2014

017: Derek Sullivan: Cover to cover  13.06.2014 — 26.07.2014, Opening 13.06.2014, Exhibition view

Derek Sullivan

Derek Sullivan Cover to Cover (Handheld) , 2014, Colored pencil and lettraset on paper + wood shelf, 23 x 53 cm (drawing) 20 x 40.5 x 25 cm (shelf), , unique artwork, photo: Aurélien Mole

Derek Sullivan

Derek Sullivan Cover to Cover (colour balance) , 2014, Watercolor and pencil on paper + wood shelf, 23 x 53 cm (drawing) 20 x 40.5 x 25 cm (shelf), , unique artwork, photo: Aurélien Mole

Derek Sullivan

Derek Sullivan Cover to Cover (Les Ziaux) , 2014, Watercolor and ink on paper + wood shelf, 23 x 53 cm (drawing) 20 x 40.5 x 25 cm (shelf), , unique artwork, photo: Aurélien Mole

Derek Sullivan

Derek Sullivan Cover to Cover (Sideglances) , 2014, Ink stamp on found poster, acetate + wood shelf, 23 x 53 cm (drawing) 20 x 40.5 x 25 cm (shelf), , unique artwork, photo: Aurélien Mole

Derek Sullivan

Derek Sullivan Cover to Cover (Court and Spark) , 2014, Watercolor and colored pencil on paper + wood shelf, 23 x 53 cm (drawing) 20 x 40.5 x 25 cm (shelf), , unique artwork, photo: Aurélien Mole

Derek Sullivan

Derek Sullivan Snow's Nose , 2014, Photocopy on paper, inkjet on cotton silk, magnets, 225 x 50 x 5 cm, , unique artwork, photo: Aurélien Mole

Derek Sullivan

Derek Sullivan Peg Rail #8 (Parrots, Photocopiers &) , 2014, Wood rail, photography, hanger and inkjet print on canvas, 90 x 90 x 12.5 cm, , unique artwork, photo: Aurélien Mole

Derek Sullivan

Derek Sullivan Cover to Cover (La Promenade) , 2014, Pencil on paper + wood shelf, 23 x 53 cm (drawing) 20 x 40.5 x 25 cm (shelf), , unique artwork, photo: Aurélien Mole

Derek Sullivan

Derek Sullivan Cover to Cover (The Nose) , 2014, EPSON print, ink and colored pencil on paper + wood shelf, 23 x 53 cm (drawing) 20 x 40.5 x 25 cm (shelf), , unique artwork, photo: Aurélien Mole

Derek Sullivan

Derek Sullivan Cover to Cover (Snow's Nose) , 2014, Silkscreen, acrylic and collage on paper + wood shelf, 23 x 53 cm (drawing) 20 x 40.5 x 25 cm (shelf), , unique artwork, photo: Aurélien Mole

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Presentation :

Entre dessin et sculpture, le travail de Derek Sullivan prend souvent la forme d'un double, ou d'un leurre. Il tisse ensemble et avec dextérité les histoires de l'architecture moderniste, du design, et de l'abstraction dans de nouvelles relations de sens, avec une attention toute particulière pour les récurrences des motifs et des formes. Par un processus élaboré de copie, et souvent avec les matériaux les plus basiques - bois, crayon, gouache, papier imprimé - Sullivan transforme ses propres référents originels de telle sorte à contester l'idée même de sens et d'originalité.


Le livre ses conventions, ses histoires, et ses possibilités, est au cœur de sa pratique. Sullivan s'empare de l'histoire du livre d'artiste en particulier, et revient sur les artistes qui ont exploré le dispositif formel et conceptuel du codex avec pour intention de réinventer la forme du livre.  


Le point de départ de cette nouvelle exposition est l?ouvrage Cover to Cover (1975) de l'artiste canadien Michael Snow, l'une des œuvres les plus influentes de l'histoire du genre du livre d'artiste. Ce livre est entièrement composé d'images reproduites en pleine page. Aucun texte, si ce n'est le titre inscrit sur le dos de l'ouvrage. La séquence d'images est réalisée par deux photographes pointant leur appareil vers l'artiste qui se retrouve pris dans leurs feux photographiques croisés. Leurs prises de vues sont synchronisées et génèrent donc deux séquences parallèles qui forment une paire d'images imprimées recto verso sur chacune des pages du livre, de couverture à couverture. Le livre confronte forme et image de telle manière à retirer au codex traditionnel sa linéarité, pour le rendre circulaire.


Dans un hommage ludique, Sullivan a créé une série de jaquettes pour l?ouvrage fondamental de Snow. Egalement intitulées Cover to Cover (2014), ses couvertures de Sullivan sont une proposition pour déguiser, contenir, et finalement réinventer l?original. Elles sont à l'évidence faites à la main, incorporent des images trouvées, du texte et des dessins, comme pour imaginer de nouvelles trajectoires pour le livre. La proposition de Sullivan pour de nouvelles couvertures au Cover to Cover de Snow se joue des multiples sens du mot « couverture » en anglais, couverture de livre mais aussi la notion de reprise en musique [cover music] lorsqu?une nouvelle interprétation est faite d?un vieux succès.


Les jaquettes leurres de Sullivan sont associées à Snow?s Nose (2014), une grande impression xérographique du visage de Michael Snow ? un gros plan du nez de l'artiste. Ce travail fait référence à la nouvelle satirique de Nikolai Gogol, The Nose (1836), dans laquelle un bureaucrate russe perd son nez, avant de se rendre compte que ce dernier assume sa propre existence. Snow?s Nose est aussi un jeu de mot. En anglais, nose et knows sont homonymes, deux mots qui sonnent identiques à l?oreille mais dont les étymologies et le sens diffèrent. Nous voyons ici le nez de l?artiste, mais il suggère aussi que Michael Snow sait quelque chose que nous ignorons. Que sait Snow? Où est le nez de Snow? Finalement, Snow?s Nose s'accompagne d'un livre d'artiste sculptural dans la forme d'un mouchoir.


Les œuvres réunies dans cette exposition se jouent de l'histoire du livre d'artiste tout autant que de la question de l'influence et de la parenté artistique, dans un hommage espiègle et adorateur à l'héritage de Michael Snow.


Kathleen Ritter

Moving between drawing and sculpture, the work of Derek Sullivan often takes the form of the double or decoy. He deftly weaves together the intersecting histories of modernist architecture, design, and abstraction into new relations of signification, paying particular attention to recurring patterns and forms. Through an elaborate process of copying, and often with the most basic materials?wood, pencil crayon, gouache, printed paper?Sullivan transforms his original referents in such a way to contest the very idea of meaning and authorship.


At the heart of his practice is the book?its conventions, its histories, and its possibilities. Sullivan takes up the history of the artist?s book in particular, and looks back to artists who explored the formal and conceptual apparatus of the codex in an effort to reinvent the form of the book today.


The starting point for Sullivan?s recent exhibition is Cover to Cover, the 1975 book by Canadian artist Michael Snow, one of the most seminal artists? books produced in the history of the genre. The book is entirely composed of images reproduced to the edge of the page. There is no text, save the title printed on the spine. The sequence of images is made by two photographers aiming their cameras at the artist who is caught in their photographic crossfire. Their exposures are synchronized and result in two parallel sequences that form a pair of images printed recto-verso on each page of the book, from cover to cover. The book collapses form and image in such a way that the traditional codex is no longer linear, but becomes circular.


In playful homage, Sullivan has created a series of dust jackets for Snow?s seminal book. Similarly titled Cover to Cover (2014), Sullivan?s dustjackets are a proposition to disguise, contain and ultimately reinvent the original. They are distinctly handmade, incorporating found images and collage, text and drawing, as a way to imagine new trajectories for the book.  Sullivan?s proposition for different covers for Snow?s Cover to Cover plays on the multiple meanings of  the word "cover" as both a book cover, but also a cover version in music when a new interpretation is made of an old hit.


Sullivan?s dust jacket decoys are paired with Snow?s Nose (2014), a large Xerographic print of Michael Snow?s face?a close-up of the artist?s nose. The work is a reference to Nikolai Gogol?s satirical short story, The Nose (1836), in which a Russian bureaucrat loses his nose only to find that it has taken on a life of its own. Snow?s Nose is also a play on words. In English, ?nose? and ?knows? are homonyms, two words that sound exactly the same in speech, but have different etymologies and meanings. Here we see the artist?s nose, but it also suggests that Michael Snow has the knowledge of something that we don?t. What does Snow know? Where is Snow?s nose? Finally Snow?s Nose is accompanied sculptural artist?s book in the form of a handkerchief.


Together the works in the exhibition tease out the history of the artist book alongside the question of artistic influence and lineage, in a mischievous and adoring homage to the legacy of Michael Snow.


Kathleen Ritter